ooooH GIRLS....I am so happy to be back...I have been redecorating and painting painting painting. I will post photos soon of all the improvements around here. Down sizing every room in the house and this is to your great advantage as I will be listing loads of things on Ebay, Etsy and in my blog IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. Thank you for all the kind comments you leave me in my blog. I am sorry if I did not respond but I was sick for weeks and I am afraid I am way behind. Have fun this spring what ever you are doing. We have so much to look forward to and plan. Perhaps you are planning your garden or making improvements in your home...maybe you are looking forward to a journey. Tell me your plans for this spring. I would love to hear from you.
Good to see you back and hope you are feeling better
Look forward to your home improvement photos.
Take care
Glad you're back, and hopefully feeling better now! Don't work too hard and over do it.
Spring? Well I worked in my front garden a little, moved some irises around. Then the rain came back...
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