Ooooh Girls....I just have to show you this set of vintage cannisters we are offering. This is a beautiful set of four lovely canisters. They are in a ivory linen and jadeite green color and are enhanced with double pink cottage roses. The roses are clear coated to protect the art work. The canisters have white porcelain knobs and are in wonderful condition. These can be used in the kitchen, bath, guest room or studio....just lovely...they are sure to add charm to your home. You can find them HERE. And if you like our double pink cottage roses, be sure to look at all these items HERE.
Next I am just so thrilled to share with you the award that I just recieved...

Celestina Marie of La Rea Rose gave me this lovely award today! Thank you so much, Celestina. What an honor!
Here's the lovely Girls I'd love to pass this award onto:
Cheryl, Jenn, Vickie, Connie, Becca and Sheila...if you Girls would like to pass this award on to your own set of "Briliante Webblogs," here are the guidelines:
1.Display logo and link to who gave it.
2.Nominate at least 7 blogs.
3.Add links to those 7 blogs
4.Leave the nominees a message that they received the award.
Have fun!
Miss Pat, I LOOOVE the cannisters! So vintagy! Thank you sooo much for the Brilliante award! I will display it proudly and pass it on!!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!! XOXO
Congratulatons on your award and those canisters are so cute!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Love them. You should come visit us tomorrow at Pink Saturday.
Oh, Pat! I'm just thrilled! How sweet of you to think of me! I'm very honored and want to thank you very much!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Thank you so much for the award; it makes me smile!
Now I am off to take a look at those sweet canisters!
I ADORE those canisters, sweet girly chick!! I'll get the award right out, lovey! Thanks you.
Pat, those cannisters are wonderful:) congrats on your award and thank you so much sweet girl for passing it on to me!!!
Oh, the canisters are BEAUTIFUL! What a treasure! Congratulations on your blog award, well deserved!
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