Here is my beloved TOM CAT having a very nice cat nap on the new bench I just finished. He can barely keep his eyes open. Tom came to us as a kitten on a snowy very cold January morn. My husband called to me to hurry outside and there Tom was hiding in the bushes. Very cold ....I ran in and got him some food and milk and every mouth full he took he made a terrible cry of hunger. I will never forget and I doubt if Tom will. I immediately scooped him up and took him inside and promised him he would never go hungry again. He was very tiny and I used to tell my husband and his son...OOOH JUST LOOK AT THIS BIG TOM CAT...and they would laugh and say I was out of my mind and that Tom would never be very big...well as you can see I was right...he is one BIG TOM CAT...I can barely lift him any more. My grandchildren are wild about him and he is the most loving cat and so kind to the children. Send me one of your cat or dog stories. I would love hearing it. Please leave it in my comments so I know you stopped by.
What a perfect kitty perch for a perfectly pretty kitty. I know, Iknow, Tom Cat is a boy, but he is a pretty boy at that! What a sweetie. Will you please scratch his cute little kitty cat chin for me? Or behind his ears? Or wherever he likes best? Mmmmmmmwah! Kisses to Tom Cat from me! hookear
I am so glad that you stopped by Sunbonnet Cottage, that way it gave me a chance to meet you.
Your blog is lovely. And your Tom is a very lucky kitty to have found you.
I must visit again soon.
Hi Pat,
Thanks so much for stopping by my spot! Your kitteh is so sweet, and I adore everything I've seen in your corner. I hope your Thanksgiving was chock full of love and good memories!
xoxo, Andie
Good Evening!
Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog, it's always nice to meet new friends *smiles*
Your TOM CAT looks perfectly content on your lovely bench. After our Russian Blue named Sabrina passed away I was completely devestated. Then one day this big old tom cat was sleeping on our park bench right outside my kitchen window. At first glance he almost looked like my Sabrina but I quickly realized that could not be, plus he was huge! So I called my husband to see and we both went out to sit near the bench and to our surprise the tom cat walked over to us. It wasn't a moment till he was leaning against us soaking up all our petting. He came around frequently to the point he would be allowed to come in and spend the day or evening with us. He ate like he hadn't had a meal in an age! Poor thing had very bad teeth, most of which were missing and suffered from a poorly healed broken jaw bone. But talk about sweet natured! I named him Mr Wickham and looked forward to his daily visits then one day he just didn't return. We looked around for him but he was no where to be found. My husband said he came into our lives to help us over the loss of our kitty and once we were able to love another again he moved on. Mr Wickham was a very sweet loving old tom cat and we have fond memories of him and the time he spent with us. Thanks for letting me share one of my pet stories. Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!
What a wonderful story. Tom is one big Tom Cat!! He is so pretty. I've always had kittens around me. I've had dogs too but I've always been a cat person. I adopted my Anna three years ago. A few months later my Grandson's Gemini had kittens and I took Bailey (which I thought was a girl so I named her Kailee). Well Kailee turned into Bailey. They are both so spoiled. Yesterday we went to Petsmart to buy food and treats and maybe a couple of Christmas presents. It was adoption day so we stopped and petted the kitties. There were two who had such a sad sad story. They lived with their first Mom for 6 years and she passed away, then 6 years later their second Mom passed away. They were so sweet it was hard to leave them behind. They are to be kept together and I hope someone adopts them. One looked so sad it just broke my heart.
Oh you Tom is wonderful! We have a girl kitty who was also a starvling and she is, um, a "full figured" lady now! I think they never forget being hungry.
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