I love the beautiful thoughts in these love letters. Imagine all these love letters tied up with a beautiful silk pink ribbon sitting on a writing desk. Think of how many times they were read. I think letter writing should be brought back into style.
We all need to express our deepest and most profound thoughts to the ones we love in writing. Tell me what you think.
A few days ago I thought I loved you; but since I last saw you I feel I love you a thousand times more. All the time I have known you I adore you more each day. I beg you, let me see some of your faults: be less beautiful, less graceful, less kind, less good....Napoleon Bonaparte
He was certainly taken with Josphine.
ABOUT Abraham Lincoln
To love and to cherish. It was always music to my ears, both before and after our marriage, when my husband told me that I was the only one, he had ever thought of, or cared for....MARY TODD LINCOLN (1818-1882)
Hi Pat, I am enjoying your love letters:) I bought the print, can you please tell me how much postage is? Thanks so much for putting it up for me:))))Rachael
Lovely. :)
I just blogged about you, Pat! hugs and love, cheryl
I couldn't agree more. I have an antique lap desk filled with letters and poems written to me by my Dear Husband. Cherished memories to be enjoyed over and over.
I love old love letters!
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