I am very excited about this statue. Casey put a lovely coat of white paint on him and he just glows. I planted bulbs all around him and I cannot wait till they bloom. On the other side of the bank we will place a bird bath and between St. Francis, the flowers and Hostas and the bird bath we should have a lovely summer setting which I can see from my kitchen window. Tell me about your gardens and your plans this year to add things in the garden. I would love to hear. I have not done much gardening in years and I forgot how much I love it. I want to buy more bulbs and plants to add to the yard. Especially Lavender on the back porch.
oh, he looks wonderful:) your hosta are huge already!!!
good luck with the lavender, that has never done well for me...do you use perennial geraniums much? or thrift? those plants give a lotta "bang for the buck", mine bloom all season long!!!
He looks great, love the hostas. When the bulbs come up it will be so beautiful! Stop by my blog and look at my deck area/plants when you have time!
oh that is so prety. I really like it
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