My dear girls...oooh I am ready for all things Spring....flowers, pillows sachets, lighter bedding, lighter clothes...where are those tulips. I am creating like mad so you can add touches of spring everywhere...wait till you see what I am making...here is a sneak peak and you will be able to find most of these items in my Ebay listings. Keep watching...more suprises soon! OOOh you can click on the photographs for a larger version. You can see more detail that way.
OMG!!! I just received one of those dolls!! What is your ebay? ..Yes think spring! Mine is vintagepapier
OOOOOOHHHH I am so ready for spring!
I want to climb into your picture and live amongst the flowers until the snow melts and the daffodils and tulips begin to pop their lil heads out of the dirt and the sun shines once again!
{can you tell I live in snowy Michigan?} :-)
Thank you for the warm thoughts sweetpea!
Hugz, Dolly
Oh, those dolls and pillow and lambies are darling! What a great idea! Let's just jump into spring! :)
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