Check out item number 380186918278 on Ebay under my seller name SUMMERSDARLING. I can guarantee... you will not find this at your local department store or florist. It has been a nine year journey accomplishing these wreaths and I have loved every minute of it. A labor of love I have had in my minds eye for over six months. Now it is a realty. Just a few sneak peeks for you. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. It is always such a joy for me to share my creations with you. After all where would an artist be without an audience? Please leave a comment. It would mean so much to me.
Thank you.
Your wreath is beautiful! Blessings!
It was lovely to discover your blog and thank you for visiting Draffin Bears.
Your wreath is lovely and all the decorations are so pretty.
Have a great weekend
Hi Pat, I've been out of town and not blogging for a few days. I came over to drool and sigh!
This wreath is drop dead gorgeous, but the white one is 2 die 4.
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